Gezinsvakanties zijn veel meer dan een luxe: ze zijn een fundamenteel recht! Dat is wat de stichting « Je pars, Tu pars, Il part » ondersteunt en die sinds 2014 meer dan 1.000 gezinnen heeft laten genieten van onvergetelijke zomers. Hun missie? De toegang tot vrijetijdsactiviteiten en vakanties vergemakkelijken door individuele energie te bundelen. De stichting werkt uitsluitend dankzij de steun en toewijding van elk individu, die het mogelijk maken om dromen werkelijkheid te laten worden. « Laten we samen bijdragen aan vakanties voor iedereen ».
Maar waarom zijn deze gezinsuitstapjes zo belangrijk? Stel je de glimlach op de gezichten van je kinderen eens voor als ze een wereld buiten hun dagelijkse leven ontdekken. En hebben jullie als ouders die verfrissende pauze niet nodig?
Hier zijn 5 belangrijke voordelen van gezinsvakanties:
Is there no such thing as a world where stress melts like snow in the sun? Then you’re not fully aware of the effect that family holidays can have on each and every one of you, parents and children alike.
Do you feel the pressure of work weighing on your shoulders? Well, your little ones need a break too, according to a study by Sarah Graves. Yes, even if they don’t say it, they feel the tension that you bring home every evening. That’s why a break from the daily grind is essential for the whole family.
Did you know that even a short break of 2-3 days in the countryside can work wonders? Getting away from it all means opening your eyes to the world. And if you choose to go abroad? It’s a fascinating adventure: a new language, a fascinating culture, a different environment…
You may think that travelling with children is expensive? Think again! Younger children often benefit from reduced rates, or even free travel for certain services. The result? Travelling as a family can be cheaper than travelling
Holidays are also the ideal time to disconnect from screens and fully savour the present moment. After all, an electronic game is quickly forgotten, whereas a day on holiday creates memories for life!
And what about meeting new people? When you stay in hotels, there are often kids’ clubs, which are a real paradise for children. While you’re enjoying the pool, the spa or the food, your little wonders are having fun with friends from all over the world. This is true of most holiday accommodation: wherever you go, you’ll meet new people, making your stay an enriching experience for all members of the family. It’s a golden opportunity for children to develop their interpersonal skills, away from the usual school environment. They forge friendships based on play, discovery and sharing, and develop social skills that are essential for their personal development. And who knows? Maybe you’ll meet other parents too, and come back next holiday to see your new friends.
When children go away as a family, they feel
Going on holiday together is a great opportunity for the family to strengthen their bonds, and many studies proved it. First of all, it’s the perfect opportunity to teach your children how to adapt to any situation with grace and good humour. Just imagine: you’ve planned a hike, but the sky is playing tricks on you and it’s pouring down rain. Don’t panic! This is the perfect time to turn your living room into an improvised games room. A good board game, a few laughs, and a rainy day is transformed into bright memories. Or maybe you’d planned a movie night, but the dinner conversations dragged on? That’s just as well! That’s the magic of family holidays: you adapt, you improvise, and often those unexpected moments become the most precious.
The quality of the time spent together far outweighs the quantity. It’s not so much being in the same room that counts, but what you create together. Imagine concocting a feast together, sharing a laugh over a game of beach volleyball, or simply chatting under the stars,
Did you know that studies have shown that travelling has incredible health benefits, both physical and mental?
You find yourself in an environment conducive to relaxation, where time seems to slow down. It’s the perfect time to take stock of your life and think about what could be adjusted in your routine to achieve a better balance. And what about your children? They benefit directly from this relaxed atmosphere, seeing their parents more serene and available.
Sometimes it’s tempting to say that you can’t leave the house because your child is ill. However, the opposite is often true! For example, if your child suffers from asthma, it can be very good for him to spend a few days in the mountains to breathe fresh air and get away from the pollution of the city. This will help clear their lungs and ‘catch their breath’ for the next school term.
But that’s not all! This well-deserved break will give your brain a real boost. When you return, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are, whether a
Leaving home is the perfect time to see, experiment, observe and challenge your habits, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to introduce your children to essential life skills.
Involve your little ones in preparing for the trip: let them draw up their own travel checklist, it’s an excellent way of developing their sense of responsibility. Of course, you can always check discreetly, but they’ll be delighted to choose their holiday essentials. Depending on their age, this trip can also be the perfect time to teach them the basics of budget management. Turn it into an exciting game: a hunt for good deals before the trip, a challenge to stick to the budget on the spot… And why not a surprise reward on their return if they achieve their objective?
Family holidays open the door to a world of fascinating discoveries. Imagine yourself as an everyday explorer: every street corner becomes an opportunity to enrich your knowledge. Why not turn your holiday into a fascinating living history lesson? Visit the su
Vakanties met het gezin in Europa zijn een van de meest lonende ervaringen die je kunt hebben. Ouders willen vaak quality time doorbrengen met hun kinderen terwijl ze nieuwe plaatsen verkennen, verschillende culturen ontdekken en blijvende herinneringen creëren. Europese bestemmingen bieden een groot aantal opties voor gezinnen, met activiteiten voor alle leeftijden en gezinsvriendelijke accommodaties.
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The world is the most wonderful playground for learning, as the saying goes. Whether you’re exploring the ruins of ancient Greece, gazing up at the starry skies of the southern hemisphere, or discovering the secrets of volcanoes on a remote island, every experience is a life lesson. And don’t forget, even the countryside near you is full of treasures to discover!
Let your child’s soul be awakened by contact with your little ones. Their innocent view of the world is infectious and refreshing. Encourage their endless questions: by looking for the answers together, you’ll find yourself learning just as much as they do!
Children are like sponges, hungry for new experiences. School is important, of course, but it can’t teach everything. It’s by exploring the world for themselves that they’ll develop the confidence and skills to face life.
What about you, dear parents? In the midst of this adventure, you’ll find a precious moment of relaxation. You’ll see your children’s eyes light up with each new challen
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